FIELD DAY REVIEW 8 (2012), a journal of irish studies, S. Deane & C. Deane , eds.


FIELD DAY REVIEW 8 (2012), a journal of irish studies, S. Deane & C. Deane , eds.


A journal of Irish studies and international cultural studies, published in collaboration with the Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies, University of Notre Dame. Field Day sets the standard in Irish academic publishing with innovative forms of critical debate and unsurpassed production values.

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E-book also available to download on Google Play



ISSN 1649-6507

ISBN 978-0-946755-54-7



Journal Contents


Angus Mitchell, ‘A Strange Chapter of Irish History’: Sir Roger Casement, Germany and the 1916 Rising

Roger Casement, Diary of Roger Casement, 1914–16, Part I: My Journey to the German Headquarters at Charleville, annotated by Angus Mitchell

Roger Casement, A Last Page of my Diary, with an Introduction by Angus Mitchell

Angus Mitchell, ‘Phases of a Dishonourable Phantasy’


Amy E. Martin, Representing the ‘Indian Revolution’ of 1857: Towards a Genealogy of Irish Internationalist Anticolonialism

Joseph A. Buttigieg, The Alternative Communism of Lucio Magri

Ronan Sheehan, ‘Sub Nomine Columbae / In the Name of Columba’

Seamus Deane, The End of the World



Willie Smyth, Atlas of the Irish Rural Landscape (2nd Ed) and Historical Geography